In accordance with Act 19/2013, 9 December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance; Act 19/2014, on transparency, access to public information and good governance; and Act 21/2014, 29 December, on the protectorate of foundations and verification of activity of associations declared of public interest, we have made the following information public on our website:

Institutional information

Register nº: 705 of the Register of Foundations of the Generalitat de Catalunya

Foundation charter (CAS)

Purpose of Barcelona Olympic Foundation
Barcelona Olympic Foundation Governing Bodies Board Statutes (CAS)

Governing Bodies

Legal framework

Catalan law on Foundations:

Act 21/2014. 29 December
Protectorate of foundations and verification of activity of associations declared of public interest

Act 21/2014. 29 December
Transparency, access to public information and good governance

Act 4/2008, 24 April
Third book of the Civil Code of Catalonia, relating to Legal Entities

Act 7/2012, 15 June
Amendment of the third book of the Civil Code of Catalonia, relating to Legal Entities and remaining supplementary provisions

Decree 259/2008, 23 December
Accounting plan for foundations and associations subject to laws of the Generalitat de Catalunya

Spanish law:

Act 19/2013, 9 December
Transparency, access to public information and good governance

Act 50/2002, 26 December

Act 49/2002, 23 December
Tax arrangements of non-profit entities and of tax incentives for sponsorship

Financial and administrative information

Remuneration received by the entity’s senior members:
“Patrons’ positions are unpaid, in accordance with Article 14 of the Statutes of the Foundation.”

Mr. Francesc Terrón i Cusí is the director of the Fundació Barcelona Olímpica since 5 March 2021.

Francesc Terrón i Cusí, graduated in Business Administration and Management from the UOC. He began his professional career in the municipal sphere in 1989, first at the Institut Municipal Barcelona Espectacles developing different functions and later in 1996 at the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona.

From 2002 to 2005 he performed technical functions in the Universal Forum of Cultures Barcelona 2004 and since 2005 at the Institut Barcelona Esports in the positions of Administrator and Manager.


Financial reports:

Annual activity reports:

Social Balance:

Agreements and subventions

Subventions and government aid received 2017 and 2021 (ESP)
Contracts established with Public Administration:
“Agreement between Ajuntament de Barcelona and Barcelona Olympic Fondation for the management and use of Joan Antoni Samaranch Olympic and Sports Museum.”

Contractor profile

Instructions are not in force for initiated agreements from the entry into force by Act 9/2017 on public sector contracts, i.e., from 9 March 2018.